Thursday, July 5, 2007

Help More Women Manage the Cost of College

Update: On Tuesday, July 10, the White House threatened to veto the bill. Despite the 47 Republicans who joined the 226 Democrats who voted for the bill in the House, the bill fell 17 votes short of the amount needed to override a presidential veto.

Higher education has become less of a luxury and more of a necessity in the American economy. The cost of college escalates each year. Women are more likely to borrow for their education than men and will make less on average after graduation. As a result, female graduates are more likely to struggle with their loan debt.

AAUW believes access to higher education is imperative to helping women obtain financial security and economic independence. We ask you to take two minutes to support pending legislation that will make the cost of college more manageable.

Both chambers of Congress will soon be voting on bills that will substantially alter America's financial aid system. The College Cost Reduction Act (H.R. 2669) in the House and the Senate companion bill, the Higher Education Access Act (as yet unnumbered) seek to overhaul the student aid and debt relief system and make college more affordable for students and their parents.

The Senate is also considering the Higher Education Amendments (S. 1642), which would reauthorize the Higher Education Act.

Take Action!
Urge your members of Congress to pass these college affordability reform bills to reduce the barriers many face in attending college. Read more and use AAUW's Two Minute Activist to send a message to our elected officials.

Read AAUW's position paper on the HEA and our recommendations submitted to the House and Senate.
Photo by Lesliebyk

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