Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holiday Party and Branch Meeting: Dec. 14, 2010, 4pm

The Party: Join us at 4pm for refreshments, visiting, and shopping. The shopping? Donate a gift; shop for a gift. Proceeds to benefit our philanthropy fund.

Andrea Newman-Winston
Rita Kogler-Carver

The Program:
Emmy award winning lighting designer Rita Kogler-Carver and stage manager (and AAUW member) Andrea Newman-Winston  will share stories and tips for preparing for major productions. While their productions take place in the theater, on TV, or the Olympics, you can apply many of their strategies in planning your major productions - holiday festivities, weddings, special parties, for example.

Kogler Carver won her Emmy for lighting design for the 2000 Sidney Olympics.  She has worked extensively on Broadway and television productions, including the Montel Williams show. Semi-retired now, she is the artistic director and producer for the nonprofit Dragonfly Performing Arts Center in Green County.

Newman-Winston began her theater career in Boston and has focused on teaching theater arts and managing local theater productions. Both began their backstage careers at a time when both lighting and stage management were considered men's roles.

You can see the results of their planning at the current Dragonfly production of "It's a Wonderful Life,"  a musical version presented as a 1940's radio drama, December 3-5, 10-12
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Virginia Kohli

Virginia Kohli - profile to follow

  • Branch Historian, 2010-11
  • Telephone Tree

Rokki Carr

Rokki Carr - Profile to follow
  • International Chair, 2010-11
  • Public Policy Chair, 2009-10

Carole Leib

Carole Leib - profile to follow

  • Recording Secretary, 2009-11

Sheila Beall

Sheila Beall - Profile to follow
  • Directory/Data Base, 2009-11

Ruth Bean

Ruth Bean -- profile to follow
  • Membership Vice President, 2010-11

Pat Stedge

Pat Stedge handles hospitality with Ginger Yaple. She's a talented musician and has coordinated collecting biographies of exceptional NY women for us.
  • Hospitality, 2009-11
  • Branch President, 1998-2000

Jane Riley

Jane Riley has stepped up to the plate to serve as treasurer. More details to follow.

  • Treasurer, 2010-11
  • Newsletter editor

Ginger Yaple

  Ginger shares Hospitality responsibilities with Pat Stedge. She spends part of the year in the sunny south but is with us in spirit all year long. More details to follow.

  • Hospitality, 2009-11

Beverly Sloane

Profile to be added
  • VP for Programs, 2009-11

Joan Reis

Profile to be added
  • Corresponding Secretary, 2009-11

Dolores LaChance

Dolores LaChance often bridges the gap between our branch and the League of Women Voters. She lives in Saugerties, retired from her career as a teacher, and loves to travel.

  • Legal Action Fund Chair, 2009-11

Monday, November 29, 2010

Paycheck Fairness Act Debate Blocked by Senate

Republicans block debate for want of two votes. They don't even want to talk about it.

The Paycheck Fairness Act (S.3772) was blocked on a procedural vote by a minority of senators on Nov. 17th. The 58 votes
in its favor fell just below the 60 required to open substantive debate on the legislation. As AAUW Director of Public Policy and Government Relations Lisa Maatz put it
, "This de facto filibuster of fair pay by Senate Republicans ensured that we never got to a debate on the bill's merits. Strategically, I can't blame them --- they can' t win a fair fight against pay equity." 

Following the vote, President Obama issued a statement
noting his deep disappointment and pledged to continue his administration"s support for stronger protections of women"s equality in the workforce. Maatz and AAUW received personal thanks
  from the president for all the hard
on behalf of the Paycheck Fairness Act. To watch his remarks, click here
Take Action! Let your senators know how you feel about their vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act, and urge
them to support future legislation aimed at closing the wage gap.
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CEDAW Hearing - When will the US ratify this treaty?

A map of signatories to the Optional Protocol ...Image via Wikipedia:Countries that have ratified CEDAW
CEDAW is finally receiving the attention it deserves. 
Women's Rights Treaty Gets First Senate Hearing in Eight Years
The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law held a hearing
 just before Thanksgiving
on the long-neglected United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
CEDAW is the only international agreement that comprehensively addresses women's rights, providing a universal definition of discrimination against women that establishes a basis for every government's domestic and foreign policy. Although CEDAW was passed by the U.N. General Assembly in 1979 and signed by President Carter in 1980, the United States remains one of just seven nations
(including Iran and Somalia) that has failed to ratify the treaty. Treaty ratification requires a 2/3 vote (67 votes) of the Senate, more votes than many other critical women's rights bills have received recently. However, the hearing, coupled by the recent support for ratification
voiced by first female Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Conner, is a positive sign
AAUW has endorsed
CEDAW ratification since 1981 and is a longtime supporter of U.N. programs addressing the rights of women and girls. To learn more about the coalition working to ratify the treaty, visit
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Paycheck Fairness Vote This Week. Call in NOW!

Help Batgirl in the Battle for Fair Pay
Watch the Batgirl vs.Unfair Pay

Take Action!
The lame duck Senate is slated to vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act this Wednesday. If we don't get it passed now, we start over again and the odds of getting it passed become negligible -- probably for years.
Tuesday, Nov. 17, is a national call-in day to support the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Please call your Senators toll-free at 877/667-6650.
Thank Senators Schumer and Gillibrand for sponsoring the Act. Ask them to work hard to pass it without amendment so that it will go directly to President Obama's desk for signature.
SHARE our Batgirl
video on Facebook and Twitter and by email and encourage your friends to call!
And remember - Batgirl always calls more than once when it's super important!
AAUW NY Kingston Branch
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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hilda Solis: June Cleaver, meet Juana Solis

Official portrait of Secretary of Labor Hilda ...Image via WikipediaHilda Solis: June Cleaver, meet Juana Solis | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Opinion: Viewpoints: "Now policymakers, employers and workers must find better ways to help people succeed at home and on the job. Products need to be made and parent-teacher conferences need to be attended. Aging parents need to be cared for and work deadlines must be met. Children get sick and have to stay home from school on the same day the big presentation is due at work. Yes, women now comprise nearly 50 percent of American workers, and in the majority of U.S. families, women are co-equal or even primary earners.
But this isn't just a women's issue. Men today have nearly doubled the amount of time they spend on child care, according to recent studies. Nearly half of all children in the U.S. live in households where all parents work full time. More than 43 million Americans serve as unpaid caregivers to family members over the age of 50. We are all in this together.
Work-life balance policies and workplace flexibility initiatives aren't niceties; they're necessities for working families. For employers, they aren't just the right thing to do; they're the smart thing to do. A recent report by the President's Council of Economic Advisers found that when businesses adopt accommodating policies, it adds to the bottom line.

Read the article here.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Raise Powerful Women

Geeta Desai is president of the AAUW Poughkeepsie Branch. Her October message in their newsletter is reprinted here with Geeta's permission.
2 year-old girl.Image via Wikipedia
Thirty-three years ago, I looked down on my new-born daughter’s face and silently vowed to raise her to be a powerful woman. At the time, little did I know that I had embarked on an arduous but enlightening journey. There were all the usual challenges: boys to ward off, homework to be done on time, telephone calls to be limited to daylight hours, arguments to be had about whether a curfew was even necessary.

My biggest challenge, however, was to model the strength that I wanted her to develop. For example, I did not want her to be crushed when girlfriends let her down or to let criticism cut her to the quick, or to turn to counterproductive habits when she was stressed. But, in reviewing my own behavior in the early years I realized that I, on the other hand, had been guilty of all of these lapses; I had been inconsolable when I didn’t get my first “big “job, I had reached for excessive amounts of chocolate when I’d been blue, I had let criticism wound me repeatedly. To develop the resilience, strength and optimism that I wanted my daughter to have, I knew that I had to change the habits of a lifetime.

Looking back, I recognize the two things that would have helped me immensely. First, I wish I had joined the AAUW a long time ago. The company of smart, strong, supportive women would have helped me to develop an inner strength and a balanced perspective. Second, I wish my daughter could have taken advantage of girl-friendly events like our very own “Live YourDream” conference for seventh graders.

Still, I’m happy to say that my daughter has turned out to be a force to contend with. I talk to her about the AAUW, the great women I’ve met, our wonderful projects and the anxiety I feel about how much work still remains to be done. She talks to me about working in the male-dominated film–editing business, her dreams and her fears. We’re still muddling through that long journey that we started so many years ago but it is now filled with brilliant insights, touching moments and much more faith in ourselves.

For those of you who may be raising a seventh grade girl or know someone who is, please visit our website at and please encourage as many girls as you can to attend the “Live Your Dream” Girls’ Conference.

This year’s conference on Saturday, November 6 will cover friendships, creative self-expression, girl power, writing and publishing articles, dealing with diversity in schools, fashion and self-respect. If you would simply like to volunteer at this event, come at 1 pm to help sign out the girls.

So, here’s to strong girls and stronger women. May our ranks continue to grow.
Geeta Desai
If you know a 7th grade girl in the Hudson Valley who could benefit from attending (and who wouldn't benefit?), please share the conference information with them.
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10/19/10: GASLAND at UUCC Kingston

If you haven't seen GASLAND yet,
get thee to the UUCC tonight! --

7 PM on Tuesday, October 19
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills
320 Sawkill Road
Kingston, NY

Sponsored by the Social Action Committee of UUCC
as part of its Issues Of Our Times series. Free admission.
For more information, call Paula at 845-679-2821.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Water, water everywhere....

Today is Blog Action Day 2010. The topic is water.

Thinking Globally
Almost a billion people on the planet live without access to safe drinking water. You can help change that. Click on the petition link on the right to support the UN's efforts to bring clean, safe water to millions. For $25, you can give clean water to one person for a lifetime. Or you can start our own fundraising campaign. Click here for more information.

Acting Locally
1. Come to our next branch public policy meeting on Tuesday, 10/26 at the Kingston Library, 55 Franklin Street. We'll meet in the 2nd Floor Craft Room (to the right of the Children's Library) and watch Blue Gold: World Water Wars (2008, 90 min.) at about 5:45 PM, then discuss it. This film is based on the book Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water by Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke.

"Wars of the future will be fought over water, as they are today over oil, as the source of all life enters the global marketplace and political arena. Corporate giants, private investors, and corrupt governments vie for control of our dwindling fresh water supply, prompting protests, lawsuits, and revolutions from citizens fighting for the right to survive. Past civilizations have collapsed from poor water management. Will ours too?"

Also recommended (we might watch at a later date): Flow (2007, 84 min.) "A look at the world's water crisis and how the causes of the depleting water supply is connected to pollution, human rights, and even politics."

Optional homework assignment:
Read the Blue Gold book and share your thoughts during the post-film discussion

2. Just say no to fracking!


Submit written comments on NYS DEC's Draft Strategic Plan for State Forest Management by 10/29. Let's ask DEC to remove the entire Mineral Resources section (pages 225 to 242) from this document, and ask that our state forests never be leased to the gas industry. From page 231: "A significant amount of concern with hydraulic fracturing has been expressed both within and outside DEC due to the high volume of water used (up to eight million gallons per well)."

Support our neighbors in PA. Here's one way: attend the post-Election Day Rally to Stop Shale Gas Drilling on Wed., 11/3 in Pittsburgh. At noon, rallygoers will march across the Rachel Carson bridge to protest at the Developing Unconventional Gas (DUG) East conference. Check out the Water Management Workshop description: "Water use and disposal in the Marcellus shale is a huge issue of importance to operators, local citizens and regulators. From 2005 to 2009, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection issued more than 2,000 permits for new Marcellus wells—and the average frac can use 3- to 5 million gallons of water. Some 10% to 30% of that returns to the surface, to be treated or recycled."

Get informed at:

3. Get to know our greatest local body of water: the Hudson River (shown above). Go for a walk in a riverside park, dip your toes in, take a swim, go fish, indulge in a fall cruise, go sailing or kayaking, visit a lighthouse. Get involved with and/or donate to Clearwater, Riverkeeper, or another group of your choice.

The real bottom line: Love your mother. She is made up of 70% water, like our brains! Let's use them wisely, and do whatever it takes to protect mother earth's precious water and all of her natural resources — for all living beings, for we are all connected.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Now showing: GASLAND at Upstate Films

If you haven't seen GASLAND yet, here's your chance! It's showing this week - Tues (10/5), Wed. (10/6), and Thurs. (10/7) at 5:45 PM and 8 PM - at Upstate Films in Rhinebeck, NY.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

9/23/10: Public hearing on NYS DEC's State Forest Management Plan

Public hearing tonight (9/23):
6:30 to 9:30 PM
DEC Region 3 Headquarters
Main Conference Room
21 South Putt Corners Road
New Paltz

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Workplace Salaries: At Last, Women on Top

Workplace Salaries: At Last, Women on Top

Have you read about this study, yet? Women earning more than men in some urban markets. The headline is a bit misleading, but the news is unexpected, until you read the details. Here are some excerpts from the Time article:

Here's the slightly deflating caveat: this reverse gender gap, as it's known, applies only to unmarried, childless women under 30 who live in cities. The rest of working women — even those of the same age, but who are married or don't live in a major metropolitan area — are still on the less scenic side of the wage divide. ...
He [the researcher, James Chung] attributes the earnings reversal overwhelmingly to one factor: education. For every two guys who graduate from college or get a higher degree, three women do. This is almost the exact opposite of the graduation ratio that existed when the baby boomers entered college. Studies have consistently shown that a college degree pays off in much higher wages over a lifetime, and even in many cases for entry-level positions. ...

... he found that the cities where women earned more than men had at least one of three characteristics. Some, like New York City or Los Angeles, had primary local industries that were knowledge-based. Others were manufacturing towns whose industries had shrunk, especially smaller ones like Erie, Pa., or Terre Haute, Ind. Still others, like Miami or Monroe, La., had a majority minority population. (Hispanic and black women are twice as likely to graduate from college as their male peers....
Significantly, the conditions that are feeding the rise in female wages — a growing knowledge-based economy, the decline of a manufacturing base and an increasing minority population — are dominant trends throughout the U.S. "This generation [of women] has adapted to the fundamental restructuring of the American economy better than their older predecessors or male peers," says Chung. While the economic advantage of women sometimes evaporates as they age and have families, Chung believes that women now may have enough leverage that their financial gains may not be completely erased as they get older....
The holdout cities — those where the earnings of single, college-educated young women still lag men's — tended to be built around industries that are heavily male-dominated, such as software development or military-technology contracting. In other words, Silicon Valley could also be called Gender Gap Gully.

Read more:,8599,2015274,00.html#ixzz0yP632vwi

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

AAUW Kingston Branch Officers: 2010-11

Congratulations to our new 2010-2011 AAUW Kingston Branch Officers and many thanks to those of you who completed your terms

2010 -2011 Officers
- Bette Nitzky
VP, Programming - Beverly Sloane

VP Membership - Ruth Bean
Treasurer - Jane Riley
Recording Secretary - Carole Leib
Corresponding Secretary - Joan Reis
Bus Trips - Vivi Hlavsa
Communications - Ruth Wahtera
Directory - Sheila Beall
Diversity - Arlene Bruck
Educational Foundation - Doris Goldberg & Gloria Sender
Historian - Virginia Kohli
Hospitality - Pat Stedge and Ginger Yaples
International - Rokki Carr
Legal Advocacy Fund - Dolores LaChance
Publicity - Rosalie Zimmerman
Public Policy - Susan Holland
Telephone Tree - Dot Henry

See your directory for phone numbers and email addresses. We'll be adding links as we complete more profiles.
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Women weren't given the right to vote; we fought for it

Ninety years have flown by since the passage of the 19th Amendment.

What do you think those fearless women and men who fought for women's right to vote would think if you told them they could only get paid 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for comparable work? [According to new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the gap between men's and women's median earnings widened slightly between 2007 and 2008, from 78 percent to 77 percent for full-time, year-round workers.]

What do you think they would think of the small number of women in House and Senate?

Wouldn't they think there might be a connection?  Here's how these two issues are intertwined:

Women get paid less because there's no place to turn for protection under the law. The House has already  passed the Paycheck Fairness Act. More than once. If the Senate hasn't passed it before they adjourn in a few weeks, we start over again at the beginning. Again.

Here in NY, our elected representatives have played games with pay equity legislation, as they have with so many other issues. So, we don't have protection at the state level, either. I think Susan B. Anthony is right.
“There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.” -- Susan B. Anthony

 While many men say they support equal pay, they don't seem to be in office. Or, they aren't exerting their influence to get this legislation passed. And, nationally, the number of women in office may actually drop.

An article today by Lisa Mascaro in the LA Times said: 
Women now hold 90 [of 435] seats in Congress: 69 are Democrats and 21 are Republicans. After the November election, Congress could end up with as many as 10 fewer female members, prognosticators now say, the first backslide in the uninterrupted [slow] march of women to Washington since 1978.
So, here are a few things you can do:
  • Take Action: Ask our representatives what specific things they will do now to ensure that pay equity legislation is passed now
  • Ask every candidate this fall for their position on pay equity and whether they will provide leadership for passing pay equity and comparable worth legislation.
  • Reach out to friends and family in other states, especially those with senators uncommitted or opposed to the Equal Pay Act, asking them to take action. You can find Congressional voting records on "women's issues" .here.
  • Think about the women you know who would make strong candidates for office now or in the future. Encourage them to think about running. There are lots of resources available to help women sort out what it takes and whether to run. You can find a few here.
  • Subscribe to the Two-minute Activist to stay abreast of these issues.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Best of Barcelona

Best of Barcelona 
Barcelona, on the Mediterranean coast, is one of Spain's most livable and lovable cities. For anyone who has ever wanted to go on an excursion to Europe, this is the perfect time!

The US dollar is strong and the exchange rate is in our favor, so pack your bags, locate your passport, bring a camera and join us for the trip of a lifetime.

$3358 per person including round-trip airfare
on Continental from Newark based on double occupancy
$2614 per person excluding airfare based on double occupancy
Single room supplement $447/
Bilbao Extension: Price on Request
 Balance due by September 8.

Gaudi Tour:
Antoni Gaudi was one of the most important architects worldwide. His masterpieces are sensuous, curving, almost surreal - and established him as an innovative leader of the Spanish Modernists (Art Nouveau). Most of his extraordinary works were conceived in Barcelona, and his world of fantasy is evident in every corner of the city. We'll visit 3 of his projects. The magnificent Sagrada Familia church is considered Gaudi's masterwork and he devoted the last 15 years of his life entirely to this endeavor, working on it from 1883 until his death in 1926. The church is still unfinished and not expected to be completed before 2026. It will be consecrated by Pope Benedict XVI on November 7th, a week before our visit. Casa Battlo, another masterpiece, has a façade decorated with a magnificent mosaic of ceramic tile fragments. The roof is arched and resembles a reptilian creature. Parc Guell is a magical place: the pavilions seem to be taken out of Hansel and Gretel, with curved roofs covered with brightly colored tiles and ornamental spires, looking like the dorsal spines of a dragon.

Picasso Museum:
The museum occupies five medieval palaces and houses the most important collections of paintings, drawings and ceramics from the early years of Picasso's life. More than 900 works were donated by the artist and his family. Our private tour will showcase the extensive collection of these early works as well as some of his later pieces. Prior to visiting the Picasso Museum, we'll walk through the old city and stop at sites where the locals gather: LA BOQUERIA - Barcelona's famous food market; the CHOCOLATE MUSEUM - that depicts the origins of chocolate; CAELUM - a café where the Jewish baths were located 600 years ago; and GISBERT- for freshly roasted nuts and coffee beans.

Dali Museum:
This is a full day excursion, leaving the city and exploring the countryside: first stop is Figueres, Salvador Dali's birthplace and location of the museum he built to house his art. We'll experience the indescribable creative genius of this artist in a museum that is a work of art in itself. Then on to Blanes - a small charming town by the sea in an area known as the Costa Brava (rugged coast) where we'll meet the fishing boats at the pier as they sail into port to unload their catch of the day. We'll follow the fishermen and their carts to the fish auction and continue to dinner at a local restaurant for Pica Pica - an array of local dishes caught and prepared fresh from the sea - with Spanish Cava.

Cooking School and Paella Dinner:
We'll all participate in a hands-on cooking class, preparing typical dishes of the region, including paella. Then we'll sit down for a sumptuous dinner with wine, savoring the dishes we've just created. We'll all have a keepsake of the recipes and an apron to remember the experience.
Note: all entrance fees to museums for group tours above are covered and we will provide local guides and staff to accompany us for all group events. Gratuities for drivers and all tour and museum guides are included. These tours require moderate physical activity, and walking tours may involve climbing stairs and walking reasonable distances. 

The following four optional private tours give you the flexibility to include one or several tours that interest you. You may prefer to explore the city on your own or just relax. The optional tours require a minimum of 10 participants each, so we need your selection(s) with payment by September 8th to arrange the tours. If you decide earlier, it would be helpful if you notify us. The cost includes private tour with guides, and transportation to and from the museums. Note that some of the tours require a great deal of walking.

2-3 HOURS $36
Included will be Las Ramblas - the soul of the city and most vibrant street, with shops, restaurants, flower vendors, mimes and street entertainers.  Las Ramblas is undoubtedly the liveliest place in Barcelona.

This tour includes transportation and requires walking. This city overview is the perfect way to become familiar with the amazing sights of Barcelona. It takes in Las Ramblas -the colorful, bustling, avenue that opens to the Mediterranean Sea. It includes famous architectural highlights of the city including Gaudi's famous Sagrada Familia, Casa Batlio and La Pedrera . We'll see the Montjuic Hill area, site of the 1992 Olympic Games. The tour also features the ancient city center, also known as the Gothic quarter with ruins that date back to Roman times.

This unique mountain, located about an hour from Barcelona, is the site of the Santa Maria Monastery and the home for about eighty monks. The basilica, next to the monastery, is where the famous Black Virgin statue is located, and from the top of the mountain we'll experience the breathtaking views of the Catalonian countryside.

Then on to Cordoniu, a winery that dates back to the 16th century, and a major producer of "cava" - Spain's most distinctive sparkling wine. There are miles upon miles of underground caves, where wines mature and are aged. The magnificent combination of sea, mountains and temperate climate create optimum conditions for the grapes to mature. We'll see the beautiful grounds as well as the state-of-the art technology that makes this one of the most important wineries in the world.

This museum takes visitors on a journey through a thousand years of Catalan art from the 10th to 20th centuries. It houses the largest and most important works of Romanesque art anywhere. The extensive Gothic Art collection includes mural paintings, metalwork, enamelwork, sculpture, wood and ivory carving. The murals, because of their size and quality, are considered the most exceptional in the world. The Renaissance collection includes works by Titian, Tintoretto, El Greco and Rubens.

Bilbao Extension November 18-20, 2010: We are offering an overnight extension for those who want to visit Bilbao - the site of the Guggenheim Museum. Designed by Frank Gehry, it is one of the most striking museums in the world. It sits on the Nervion River and resembles a ship with its brilliantly reflective titanium panels. The collection includes art from the mid-twentieth century to the present. Accommodations are at the five-star Silken Gran Hotel - which looks out over the shining structure of the Guggenheim Museum. The bold, almost whimsical design of the hotel seems to have spilled over from Frank Gehry's remarkable architecture. The hotel has a restaurant, café, fitness center, and sauna. The Bilbao extension includes accommodations for one night with daily breakfast, air transportation from Barcelona to Bilbao and back to Barcelona, all transfers and extensive guided tour of the Guggenheim Museum. Ask for the cost to add this wonderful optional add-on.

Accommodations are for 6 nights in the beautiful four-star Hotel Condes de Barcelona. It is centrally located on the elegant Paseo de Gracia, and faces "La Perrera", one of the famous Gaudi buildings. The hotel has two restaurants, fitness center and sauna. Included are 6 buffet breakfasts, 5 dinners, 2 half-day tours, 1 full day tour (out of the city), and a Cooking School Event with dinner.

We'll have tapas and paella, and dinners in wonderful restaurants, including the 17th century Catalan Farmhouse where Vicky, Cristina and Juan dined in the film, Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

For further info, call Linda at 845-255-5256 or email artladyLG@aol.comSpecify "art tours" in the subject line.

To reserve,
make your check payable to AAUW, include your phone# and mail to: Linda Gold, 1 Jacobs Lane, New Paltz, NY 12561.

A non-refundable deposit of $700 is due with your reservation by July 22. After that time the deposit is $750. The balance is due by Sept 8. Reservations after this time will be subject to availability. Since we are holding only 20 seats at this low price on Continental Airlines, additional tickets will be priced higher.
We will be happy to assist you with your flight needs. Due to limited availability and rising airfares, you are strongly encouraged to use our air packages. We have reserved only 20 seats on Continental's roundtrip direct flight from Newark to Barcelona on November 11, returning November 18. Participants traveling by air with us will be provided with chartered round trip bus service with pick-ups from Kingston and Monticello to Newark airport. Upon arrival in Barcelona, those traveling with us will be greeted outside customs by a staff member and transported to the hotel. En route, to get our bearings, we'll have a brief orientation tour, seeing the highlights of the city from the comfort of the coach. Note: transfers to and from the airport are included for those purchasing airfare with us. We can arrange for transfers for an additional fee for those not traveling by air with us. For those booking your own airfare, we will not be responsible for any air arrangements you make on your own.

We strongly suggest you obtain a TRAVEL PROTECTION PLAN to cover medical expenses, baggage loss and delay, as well as trip interruption or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. As an AAUW member or friend, you have access to Insure My Trip, a site that for no cost lets you compare trip insurance from the top industry providers. And, remember to ask that the policy include a waiver for pre-existing conditions, and a hotel stay in case of cancellations due to volcanic ash.

DISCLAIMER: AAUW and Linda Gold assume no responsibility for and cannot be held liable for any personal injury, death, property damage or other loss, accident, delay or inconvenience. In addition, responsibility is not accepted for losses or expenses due to sickness, lack of appropriate medical facilities or practitioners, weather, strikes, volcanic ash disruption, theft or other criminal acts, war or terrorism.

AAUW and Linda Gold reserve the right to withdraw any tour announced or to change or cancel itineraries or hotels, whenever it is deemed necessary. Although itineraries are as accurate as possible, they are subject to change due to traffic, weather, or any other conditions beyond our control. Although every effort is made to handle passengers' luggage as carefully as possible, we are not responsible for and do not assume liability nor accept claims for loss or damage to luggage due to breakage, theft or wear and tear through hotel and group carrier handling.

Note: This trip is based on a minimum of 20 reservations and AAUW has the right to cancel due to insufficient enrollment.

Friday, July 23, 2010

7/26/10: $tart $mart meeting in Highland

On Monday, July 26 at 11 AM, join Joan Monk (AAUW Kingston / Poughkeepsie / Westchester member), who will meet with Irene Keyes and Betty Harrell from the Poughkeepsie Branch and two members of the Westchester Branch. All are interested in using the $tart $mart* program in their branches. They'll meet on the Highland side of the Walkway Over the Hudson (87 Haviland Road), then have lunch afterward at Mariners Harbor (46 River Road).

Would you like to get this program going in the Kingston Branch? Can you attend the meeting on 7/26? If so, please let Joan Monk know. Let's get this program started!

* $tart $mart: To help make sure that graduating women know how to negotiate for equitable pay, AAUW and The WAGE Project formed a partnership to provide the
$tart $mart Campus Negotiation Workshops. AAUW and The WAGE Project hope to reach over 500 campuses with this dynamic program within the next three years.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7/17/10: GASLAND at Onteora HS with Josh Fox & Maurice Hinchey

Come see GASLAND this Saturday, July 17, at 7:30 PM in the Harry Simon Auditorium at Onteora High School, Route 28, Boiceville, NY.

Congressman Maurice Hinchey will join director Josh Fox for a post-screening Q&A session.

Tickets will be available at the door for a suggested donation of $5.

When Catskill/Pocono filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for Natural Gas drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies, and contamination. Fox encounters EPA whistleblowers, congressmen, world recognized scientists, and some of the most incredibly inspiring and heart-wrenching stories of ordinary Americans fighting against fossil fuel giants for environmental justice.

"Right now the Marcellus Shale is under attack by natural gas drillers" commented filmmaker Josh Fox. "Nowhere is it more important for citizens to see GASLAND and get engaged in fighting unregulated hydro-fracking than in the Catskills. Thanks to the Woodstock Film Festival, we are bringing our important message to the folks who need to see it most."

"GASLAND is a very important film about the risks posed by hydraulic fracturing - a method of drilling for natural gas that currently lacks proper oversight," said Congressman Hinchey. "We've seen what happens when energy companies are granted unfettered access to our precious natural resources without that oversight. In the wake of one of the largest environmental disasters in our nation's history, as millions of gallons of oil spew into the Gulf of Mexico, it is abundantly clear that we simply cannot rely on the promises made by those who have everything to gain and nothing to lose from drilling. We cannot allow drilling to move forward without rules in place to protect drinking water and our overall environment."

An important and timely exposé, GASLAND reveals the practices of the largest domestic natural gas drilling boom in history. Developed by Halliburton, “Hydraulic Fracturing,” or "fracking," has swept across the United States, opening up new territory in 34 states to extensive drilling, including the Marcellus Shale, a vast formation that underlies most of New York and Pennsylvania, as well as the New York watershed and the Catskills/Poconos.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Join AAUW Kingston on our first trip to Barcelona!

Barcelona, on the Mediterranean coast, is one of Spain's most livable and lovable cities. For anyone who has ever wanted to go on an excursion to Europe, this is the perfect time!

The US dollar is strong and the exchange rate is in our favor, so pack your bags, locate your passport, bring a camera and join us for the trip of a lifetime.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

AAUW Kingston Branch Scholarship Winners

(L to R) Yuvelca Reyes, Irwin Rosenthal, and Marie Daniels
We had a great opportunity to meet with our two 2010 scholarship winners at the annual picnic this month. Both earned associates degrees from Ulster Community College this month and will use their scholarship money to pursue their bachelor degrees.

Yuvelca Reyes has enrolled with SUNY Empire to pursue her degree in therapeutic recreation, a major of her own design. Yuvelca believes that our lives and the world would be better if we all found things to do that we enjoy. Her quest is to help people find those things that are right for them. She's especially interested in using her motivational skills to engage residents in Newburgh in constructive fun -- an alternative to the gangs and crime we've been following in the news. To that end, she's been organizing a July 4th tournament. Yuvelca is full of energy and ideas; now she wants to learn how to make them work.

Marie Daniels has enrolled at SUNY New Paltz. Her plan is to get a degree and teaching credentials in earth science and teach. But that's just the first step. Marie loves library science and plans to pursue a graduate degree to become a librarian. (Librarians love AAUW. There were three at the picnic, all ready to provide Marie guidance and support.)

Both these young women are mid-career students with children at home. They are following in the footsteps of many of us, balancing family and children, pursuing the love of learning and the need to support our families doing the things that we love.

Irwin Rosenthal and Doris Goldberg, Education Foundation co-chairs, coordinated selection of our 2010 recipients. You won't find Doris in the picture. Why? She had to leave early for a library board meeting!

Congratulations to Marie and Yuvelca. The branch has given them student memberships to AAUW so we hope to see a lot more of them and follow their career.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pay Equity Updates

While Fair Pay Day has come and gone, the issue remains. AAUW Washington Update has cited several news items of late that you should be aware of.

Department of Labor Announces Top 20 Fields for Women According to a recent report by the Department of Labor, secretaries, administrative assistants, and registered nurses are the nation's leading occupations for employed women.  Among the 20 fields listed, findings show a lack of women in non-traditional, STEM careers, as well as a median salary of $657 per week for women 16 years and older.

Federal Government Not Hiring As Many Women According to a new report by Federally Employed Women, the number of women in top positions within the federal workforce is much lower than that of men. While that number nearly doubled between 1992 and 2003, there has been relatively no change since 2006. The report cites a lack of training and cross-training as major reasons for the lack of women in top positions, and that training funds are typically cut under budget restraints.  Thus, in today's economic climate, women are provided fewer opportunities to advance to top federal positions.

Wage Gap in Academic Medicine Women in academic medicine earn significantly less than their male counterparts, according to a study released in April's Academic Medicine. Researchers sampled at random 3,000 life science employees at the top 50 academic medical centers funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) looking to explain the gender wage gap.  The study found that over a 30 year period, full-time female faculty members made almost $215,000 less than men of equal standing, and nearly $700,000 less over a full career.  Professors Eric Campbell, PhD, and Catherine DesRoches, DrPh, have linked their work on the study with the need for a systematic change in the field.

The Harvard Business Review has  a quick slide show Investigating the Pay Gap by Sarah Green.

AAUW's Washington Update is emailed to subscribers every Friday. It covers the Washington developments related to AAUW Public Policy issues. Washington update is another benefit of your AAUW membership; you can subscribe to it here.
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Monday, June 7, 2010

2010-11 Reading List

BooksImage via Wikipedia
AAUW BOOK CLUB Reading List for Sept. 2010 to June 2011

Sept.21  The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon.. This takes place in Sitka Alaska where a fictitious Jewish community has been established after WW2 to welcome survivors of the Holocaust.

Oct. 19  Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. A young asthmatic boy named Rueben Land narrates the story of his family after his brother Davy kills two bullies who had targeted him and their family. When  Davy escapes prison Rueben and family follow Davy to the Badlands with many adventures.

Nov. 16 Howard’s End by E.M. Foster. This was first published in 1910 and is about class struggle in turn-of-century England. The motto of the book is “only connect”.

Dec 14  We will read and discuss poetry selections assembled by Vivi Hlvasa. Please note we are meeting on the 2nd Tuesday to accommodate the Holiday Schedule.

Jan. 18,2011 Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks. Once again into the trenches of WW1, a long term illicit love affair and a hero who finds hope and meaning despite the anguish.

Feb. 15  The Help by Katherine Stockett. A Southern woman writes about the connections between black maids and their white women employers in the 1960’s in a small Georgia town.

March 15  Frances Perkins: The Woman Behind the President by Kirsten Downey.  Frances Perkins was the first woman to serve in an American  Presidential Cabinet . She was instrumental in securing “New Deal” legislation and served 12 years as FDR’s Secretary of Labor.

April 19 Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackery. This was first published in 1847-48. It satirizes early 19th century British society. The title comes from Paul Bunyan’s allegory, Pilgrim’s Progress. Vanity Fair refers to a stop along pilgrim’s progress: a never ending fair in a town called Vanity.

May 17  Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. This fiction published in 1881 is considered one of James’ finest. The Lady is Isabel Archer, a young American heiress victimized by two American Machiavellian expatriates.

June The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse by Louise Erdrich. The author with a German, American, French, Ojibwa background, writes from an Indian reservation perspective. This is a story of passion and compassion about a priest who meets an Indian Elder who possesses love medicine.
Happily compiled by Marjorie Regan with a little help from Wikipedia and other online sources. 
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