Thursday, April 24, 2008

Senate Fails to Move Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to a Vote

It's hard to believe we're still fighting for pay equity. We've been disappointed for the second time. Last week by the NY State Senate, this week by the US Senate.

Yesterday there was a vote in the US Senate to end debate and move to a vote an the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. It takes 60 votes to succeed. We only had 57, so Majority Leader Reid voted with the Republicans -- a procedural move that will allow him to bring the bill up again at a later date.

You can see how the senators voted here.

Remember, it's an election year. Senator McCain didn't show up for the vote. How would he have voted?

Both our senators voted in favor, of course. You can send them a thank you note through the AAUW take action link.

This weekend Lilly Ledbetter is the keynote speaker at the NY State AAUW Convention. I look forward to hearing her story firsthand.

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