Saturday, August 8, 2009

AAUW Takes a Position on Health Care

An MRI scan of a human head, an example of a  ...Image via Wikipedia

AAUW's emphasis is not on pushing one proposal over another, but instead ensuring that whichever program ultimately emerges provides access to quality and affordable health care for all Americans.

We believe there are three key elements that must be included in any final health care reform legislation:
  1. An end to the practice of "gender rating"
  2. Coverage of women's reproductive health services
  3. Access to and coverage of preventative services and care.
Join us in urging our members of Congress to make these three critical pieces a part of the final health care reform bill.

[You can use the Two-Minute Activist system to send your message]

"Gender rating," the process by which insurance companies charge men and women different premiums for individually-purchased health care plans, is a discriminatory practice that can result in women's monthly premiums ranging from four percent to 48 percent higher than men's. Reproductive health services are a basic element of women's overall health care, and coverage of such services should be required. Preventative care services such as screenings, immunizations, and educational material will not only improve women's health, but also reduce the financial strain on our health care system and improve the overall economy as a result.

Health care is intrinsically tied to economic security; this is particularly true for women, who earn less than men on average and use more health care services than men do. These two factors--less income, more costs--mean women face a high level of health care insecurity. Health care reform is necessary now more than ever, and it must focus on the need for access and affordability-in a way that is equitable to women.
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